Pink Moonstone Bagstones

Roze Maansteen zakstenen uit Madagaskar.

Pink Moonstone Bagstones

Roze Maansteen zakstenen uit Madagaskar.

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Item number: 6271 Category: Tags , , ,

Roze Maansteen zakstenen uit Madagaskar.

Its small size and oval shape make it very easy to carry with you, in your trouser or jacket pocket, for example, hence the name pocket stone! Pocket stones are roughly the same size and are often a lot more uniform compared to normal tumble stones. Almost all our pocket stones come from Madagascar and we always have several varieties in stock. This is a weighing product with a minimum order of 200 grams. (2x)

Weight 0,1 kg

60 pieces per kg

Global dimensions

2.5 - 3.5 cm


Minimum order

200 gr


Sales Unit


SKU 6271
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